An excerpt from Peter Mooney’s Foreword to a concert in October 1961…..
Peter Mooney and the choir, 1961
We are, however, well aware of our continued contact through the medium of radio and recording, and it has afforded us great encouragement to realise how many good friends and well-wishers followed our progress in the recent B.B.C. Competition, “Let the People Sing.” We also know you have enjoyed our first long-playing record, “Road to the Isles,” and we are now very happy to say that within the next two months there will be issued a further two long-playing and also two extended-playing records. We have been, you will agree, not without task.
Mr Mooney and a programme signed by choir members
On Tour in Germany, 1961
Köln (Cologne) Cathedral
On tour in Ireland, 1967
Civic Reception in Glasgow, 1962
One of many recordings the choir made in the 1960s, Scotland in Song.
The Iona Boat Song, 1969